5. Database Access Descriptor (DAD) Configuration

In order to access the Discussionweb via a web browser, a DAD for the Discussionweb’s database schema needs to be configured.  The DAD will be contained within the Discussionweb’s URL (unless a redirect is used – see sub-section 7.2) and basically tells the web server that the Oracle database is to handle any HTTP requests that contain this DAD name in the URL.

To configure a DAD, access the Gateway Configuration Menu of the web server on which the Oracle database (that is to house the Discussionweb) is installed.  To do this input the following URL, where server_name is replaced by the machine name of the web server containing the Oracle database:


From the screen that appears, take the following hyperlink path: Gateway Database Access Descriptor Settings à Add Default (blank configuration).  A screen will appear with the heading Database Access Descriptor; under the sub-heading Add Database Access Descriptor give the DAD a name (bear in mind that unless a redirect is used – see sub-section 7.2 – this name will form a part of the Discussionweb’s URL); under the sub-heading Database Connectivity Information input the name and password of the database schema that has access to the Discussionweb’s tables (as was created in sub-section 3.1), along with the connect string of the Oracle database.

On the same screen and under the heading Document Access Information, input the name of the table that is to store the files uploaded to the Discussionweb (the Document Table parameter) in the form:


By default this should be discuss.documents – see sub-section 3.2.  Next input the Document Access Procedure in the form:


Where package_name is the name of the Discussionweb’s code package (see section 4) and download_procedure_name is the name of the procedure within the Discussionweb’s code package that handles the download of files.  By default this should be DAD_name.discussionweb.download

Input an * (asterisk) symbol into the Extensions to be uploaded as Long Raw parameter.