3. Script Execution

It is advised that after completing the steps described in each of the following sub-sections (2.1 – 2.4) you run a commit command on the database, ensuring that all changes are saved.

3.1  Schema Creation Scripts

The first step towards getting the Discussionweb online is to create the database schema that is going to have access to the Discussionweb’s tables.  The tables could be created in an existing schema, but we recommend that you use a separate one. 

Take the following path to find the files required to create the schema: Discussionweb_v.2 à Scripts à Step1_Create_Schema.  Using SQL*Plus, login to the database (that is to house the Discussionweb) as the System Manager and then execute these files in the following order at the SQL> prompt:

  1. create_discuss_schema.sql

  2. grant_connect_to_discuss.sql

  3. grant_resource_to_discuss.sql

This will create a schema in the database called discuss, whose password is also discuss.  If you wish to call it something different, simply edit the relevant part of each .sql script file.

3.2  Table Creation Scripts

The relevant tables must now be created in this new schema.  Logout of SQL*Plus as the System Manager and then login as the schema that was created in the previous sub-section.  Take the following path to locate the files required to create the tables: Discussionweb_v.2 à Scripts à Step2_Create_Tables.  Execute them at the SQL> prompt in the following order:

  1. create_table_users.sql

  2. create_table_messages.sql

  3. create_table_board_access.sql

  4. create_table_board_admin_options_default.sql

  5. create_table_board_admin_options.sql

  6. create_table_colours.sql

  7. create_table_documents.sql

  8. create_table_documentspart.sql

  9. create_table_temp_body_store.sql

The tables created will be:

If the tables are to be dropped from the database for whatever reason, ensure that they are individually dropped in the reverse order to which they were created.

3.3 Index and Sequence Creation Scripts

There are two indexes and three sequences required by the Discussionweb; take the following path to locate the files required to create them: Discussionweb_v.2 > Scripts > Step3_Create_Indexes_and_Sequences. Execute these files in any order at the SQL> prompt (logged into SQL*Plus as the schema created in section 3.1).

3.4 Data Initialisation Scripts

There are four .sql script files to populate the tables that require data in them in order to initialise the Discussionweb. Take the following path to locate these files: Discussionweb_v.2 à Scripts à Step4_Data_Initialisation.
Once executed in any order at the SQL> prompt within SQL*Plus, the files will populate both the BOARD_ADMIN_OPTIONS and the BOARD_ADMIN_OPTIONS_DEFAULT tables with a single row containing the default administration and display settings for the Discussionweb. The USERS table will also be populated with two default users: one with administrative status called administrator and one without called anonymous. Information on the purpose of these users, as well as their login credentials can be found in sub-section 8.2.
The users will be created with default parameters which can later be modified from within the Administration Console (see sub-section 8.2). For example the email address parameter of the user administrator is by default set to a dummy email address, which should be replaced with the actual email address of the person who is going to be using this administrative user account.
Please note: there are no discussion forums set up by default, but any user with administrative status can login into the Discussionweb and create discussion forums.